WB WilsonBrooks
Consulting on organization design, leadership, change, teams, strategy; and coaching with executives
Research and Publications
Checklist for Organization Effectiveness. Summary of essential elements of organization design.
Aligning Strategy and Organization Design. Research paper and briefing for the Executive Team of a broadcast corporation.
Organization Culture: What it is and How it Changes. A briefing and workshop for senior managers and their teams undertaking a major shift in their culture.

Loyal Customers, Enthusiastic Employees and Corporate Performance: Understanding the Linkages. Research Report for The Conference Board of Canada and The National Quality Institute. Presentations at National Quality Institute Conferences and Conference Board networks.
Why Loyal Employees and Customers Improve the Bottom Line. Article for the Journal for Quality and Participation.
Becoming a Manager: A Navigation Guide® for the Transition from Individual Professional to Manager. Self-paced, multi-mode, intranet program for new managers.
Coaching Tips for Leaders. A crisp brief for leaders on what coaching is, when and how to coach.
Values Drive Company Performance. Article and workshop for an executive team - how corporate values should underpin change initiatives.
Checklist for Helping Staff Through Change. A checklist of specific actions leaders take to help their staff through the phases of change.
The Will to Change: Transforming the Organization. Report for VP Strategy of a crown corporation outlining what is changing about their organization and what that entails.
Team Performance – Reaching the Summit. Prereading for a session with an executive team on the verge of breaking through to extraordinary performance.
Reasons Executive Teams Succeed…and Fail. Article for a struggling executive team.
Leading Professionals. Research paper on how to lead professionals whose loyalties tend to be more aligned to their profession than to the organization.
Extending the Learning. Briefing paper and presentation for Niagara Institute clients on how organizations can support and extend the learning from classroom leadership development initiatives.
The Nature of Networked Organizations – How to Connect the Parts. Paper and presentation for a senior executive team.